Tagged: Opportunities

To be honest, euphoria is kind of overated

So yesterday I got accepted for a great opportunity. It made me so happy that they decided that I had the qualities they were looking for. I’ve never had anything like this before, and I’m looking forward to starting.

But the change, wow. I’m going from almost nothing to all of these hours for so many days. I’ve had long hours before doing backstage theatre work, but not like this. I know the results will be worth it, but is my body going to be able to cope? I’m not sure.

So I’m thinking about this during the night and during the next day. However I also have work experience the next day.

I’ll sum up my rush of emotions as so…

Excitement of getting accepted + Worrying about not being able to cope with the changes + Worrying about not calming down in time for the work experience placement = Not a very good combination.

I was feeling so many emotions at one time that you could make an entire Sesame Street episode around it.

Sometimes euphoria can turn into anxiety if you start to worry about something, and it’s happened to me once before. It’s like you’re running on high and low emotions and it’s impossible to be neutral. However this time it was slower and less dramatic. But like I said, I needed to calm down in time for work experience.

I was thinking that I was on too much of a high so I should try to bring myself down. That only resulted in me feeling sad. It’s also difficult to eat while panicking because of your muscles shaking and your blood pumping too much.

You can’t just get your heart rate back to normal because I’m sure that’ll just make you fall over, and no one wants that.

Of course the best solution is slow deep breathing and lots of water.

I was able to remember this and barely calmed down before it was time for me to go out.

I think I did ok. As long ask no one knows then I’m alright. :p